Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Is Technology Killing Jobs

You probably cannot rely on working forever for the rest of your life when there are job cuts and retrenchment everywhere. If so, what should you do? What should you rely on?

If technology is destroying jobs, we should instead use that technology to help us create our income. No more working for the income while being stressed everyday and unhappy.

Vemma is a company that can help you create that wealth using technology, and the company proven formula so that you can succeed while our product lets you stay healthy.
For all the benefits of living in a connected world, there is one huge disconnect: the economy seems to be growing, but it is not creating jobs. This disconnect is not a temporary blip that will disappear with a full economic recovery. It is part of a longer-term structural change in the economy.
Yesterday at the Techonomy conference, I moderated a debate (which you can watch above) between two economists, Erik Brynjolfsson of MIT’s Sloan business school and Tyler Cowen of George Mason University, about whether or not technology is the engine of the economy or whether, in fact, it is destroying jobs.
Many of us take for granted that technology is the brightest spot in the economy, where most of the innovation and job creation occurs. But if you look more broadly at the impact of technology across every industry, it doesn’t look so great. Technology makes businesses more efficient, often by eliminating the need for repetitive tasks and the workers who do them. We are not replacing those jobs with enough new, higher-skilled ones to make up for the loss.
So what we are seeing in the U.S. over the past decade is productivity growth without the job growth that usually comes with it. Traditionally, productivity growth and job growth went hand in hand, but that is no longer the case. Annual productivity growth in the U.S. between 2000 and 2009 was 2.5%, a faster rate than at any time since the 1960s. Yet the last decade saw the total number of jobs decline by 1.1 percent.
The official unemployment rate in the U.S. is 9.1 percent, with 13.9 million million out of work. Median wages in the U.S. have gone almost nowhere since the 1970s, which was the impetus for Cowen’s book, The Great Stagnation. Meanwhile, income disparity between the richest 1 percent and everyone else keeps growing. The other 99 percent is not too happy about that, as the #OccupyWallStreet movement illustrates.
Is the U.S. worker in the same position today as the workhorse was 100 years ago when it was replaced by another technology: the engine (first steam, and then internal combustion). Peak employment for horses was in 1901, there were 3.25 million working horses in the England. Those jobs went away with the introduction of machinery, tractors, cars, and trucks.
Today, workers in factories are being replaced by robots and software, more broadly, is automating many jobs that people used to do. Companies benefit because they can operate leaner and make more profits, but what about the people? For the first time ever, the Luddite fear that machines will replace people seems to be coming true.
But wait a second, says Brynjollffson. His central argument, which he puts forth in Race Against the Machine, a book he co-authored with Andrew McAfee, is that it is not people versus machines. It is people with machines. Technology is just a tool that lets us be even more productive.
The problem is that not enough people know how to use the new tools of the Internet, mobile, and cloud computing. The workforce as a whole does not have the right mix of skills. Hence tech companies can’t hire enough engineers while the rest of the economy suffers from perpetual unemployment.
When you look at the actual economic data, things seem grim. But I am an optimist. I think technology can help lead the way by creating new jobs and redefining employment. The cost to create new companies has never been lower, and new forms of work that use the Internet as its organizing principle (instead of the firm) are beginning to become more commonplace.
But will it all be enough to restart job growth across the economy as a whole? I’m not sure anyone can answer that question just yet.
(For more on this topic, check out Andrew Keen’s interview with Brynjolfsson and his co-author Andrew McAfee, as well as this lively one-on-one with Cowen).

Source: http://techcrunch.com/2011/11/15/technology-destroying-jobs/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Techcrunch+%28TechCrunch%29&utm_content=FeedBurner


Sunday, 13 November 2011


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Thursday, 10 November 2011

Pomegranate helps fight heart disease, relieves stress and improves sex life - now it's nature's elixir of youth, claims study

It can help to prevent heart disease, relieve stress and has even been shown to improve your sex life.

And if that was not enough to convince you to try pomegranate, the fruit is now being hailed as the elixir of youth.
Elixir: A £2million study has found a daily dose of pomegranate juice could slow the ageing process of DNA
A £2million study has found a daily dose could slow the ageing process of DNA.
An extract of the whole fruit – including pith, peel and seeds – was given to 60 volunteers every day for a month in the form of a capsule.
Researchers monitored the activity of chemicals in their bodies compared with those who took a placebo.

They found a significant decrease in a marker associated with cell damage, which can cause impaired brain, muscle, liver and kidney function as well as ageing effects on the skin.

This decrease – a hitherto unknown benefit of consuming pomegranate – is thought to slow down the oxidation, or ‘rusting’, of the DNA in cells which naturally occurs over time, according to researchers at the private ProbelteBio laboratory in Murcia, Spain.
They are found in small quantities in the juice but mainly in the inedible rind, husk and white pith which has been harnessed into a pill and a drink.

Dr Sergio Streitenberger, who led the study, funded by Pomegreat PurePlus, said: ‘We are very excited about this study which we believe demonstrates that regular consumption of this pomegranate extract can slow down the process of DNA oxidation
'One way to look at ageing is to think of it as rusting, or oxidising, a damaging process. Being able to guard against this process would be a significant breakthrough.’
Pomegranate has been renowned as a superfood for centuries, and has been found to contain vitamins A, C and E as well as iron and antioxidants
Pomegranate has been renowned as a superfood for centuries, and has been found to contain vitamins A, C and E as well as iron and antioxidants
Dr Streitenberger’s team – whose study will be published later this month – found a decrease in levels of a chemical marker called 8-Oxo-DG in the participants’ urine tests.

It is associated with damage to DNA caused by a host of chemicals we eat, drink and breathe in.

Pomegranate has been renowned as a superfood for centuries, and has been found to contain vitamins A, C and E as well as iron and antioxidants – chemicals which help neutralise harmful oxygen molecules called free radicals.
Last year, researchers at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, whose work was also funded by the Pomegreat juice company found their product could combat middle-aged spread and even reduce stress at work.

Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2060163/Pomegranate-prevents-heart-disease-relives-stress-improves-sex-life-natures-elixir-youth-claims-study.html

Monday, 7 November 2011

Strawberries shown to protect stomach against ulcers 草莓能防止胃溃疡

People who suffer from stomach ulcers should consider tucking into a pint of fresh strawberries, particularly if the inflammation is related to excessive alcohol consumption, suggests a new study.
The new research, published in the journal PLoS One (Public Library of Science) and announced Tuesday, found that the powerful antioxidant properties of strawberries can act as a protective barrier to stomach ulcers.
In their study, a team of scientists from Italy, Serbia and Spain put a group of rats on a diet that included strawberry extracts for 10 days, before inducing gastric damage by giving the animals ethanol.
Rats that ate strawberry extract were found to have less ulcerations by about 40 mg/day per kilo of weight, compared to those that didn't.
Not only did the strawberries' antioxidant capacity help strengthen the stomach lining, but they were also found to activate the body's own defenses and enzymes, researchers said. Eating strawberries can also help alleviate damage either before or after the onset of inflammation.
The new findings could pave the way for new protective ulcer treatments.
Ulcers can be caused by alcohol consumption, viral infections or medications like aspirin.
Researchers pointed out, however, that their study was not conceived to mitigate the effects of getting drunk, but to discover new ways of protecting the stomach against damage.
Previous studies have also shown that strawberries can strengthen red blood cells' response to oxidative stress, which is often a precursor to cancer and other chronic diseases.
Chinese Translate 中文翻译:
Translated by Google Translate, Editted by me. Sorry for any translation errors. 由谷歌翻译,我稍加修正。如有错误与翻译误差敬请原谅

Food and health benefits

In this article, we will look at the following:
  • Foods to help the body cope with stress.
  • Foods to help increase the body’s defense system.
  • Foods to improve eyesight.
  • Foods to relieve depression.
  • Foods to help improve your skin.
  • Foods to combat PMS.
  • Foods to combat poor concentration and tiredness.
  • Foods to improve your sleep.
  • Foods to help improve your bones.

Foods to help the body cope with stress

B vitamins help the body to cope with stress, so including more foods that are rich sources of B vitamins could help. This group of vitamins are essential for the nervous system. Try to eat more wholemeal products such as bread, pitta bread, scones and wholegrain breakfast cereals such as branflakes, fruit and fiber, porridge, Weetabix, muesli and Shredded Wheat.
Other beneficial foods are fruit and vegetables, lean meat, poultry, eggs, low-fat dairy products and pulses (for example, peas, beans and lentils). Try to avoid drinks containing alcohol and caffeine. Alcohol acts as a depressant on the nervous system; excess caffeine can lead to palpitations, rapid breathing and disturbed sleep.

Foods to help increase the body’s defense system

The immune system helps protect the body from bacteria and viruses. Research has proven that a diet low in vitamin C, zinc and beta-carotene reduces the body’s ability to fight invasions from hostile organisms. Foods that are high in vitamin C are citrus fruit and berries. Foods that are a rich source of zinc include oysters, liver, pumpkin seeds, red meat and sardines. Beta-carotene rich foods include sweet potatoes, carrots, apricots and oranges.
Alcohol, when consumed in large amounts, increases the risk of long-term damage to health. Try to limit your intake of alcohol to 3 to 4 units per day (equivalent to two pints of beer) if you are a man, and 2 to 3 units per day (equivalent to two glasses of wine) if you are a woman. These guidelines are benchmarks and are not targets to drink up to. Benchmarks are a guide to how much alcohol can be taken without putting your health at risk.

Foods to improve eyesight

There have been links made between some antioxidant substances and a reduced risk of eye problems such as cataracts and glaucoma. Wholegrain foods and red meat contain B vitamins and may help to maintain the health of the optic nerve, an essential part of good vision. Green leafy vegetables and orange coloured fruit and vegetables are a good source of beta carotene which is needed by the eyes to allow them to adapt to darkness.
Vitamin C containing foods such as citrus fruits and berries may reduce the risk of raised pressure in the eye which is useful for people with glaucoma and those prone to cataracts.

Foods to relieve depression

Dietary changes prove to be most beneficial in people suffering from mild to moderate depression. Oats contain saponins, alkaloids, B vitamins and flavonoids, all known for their anti-depressant actions. Basil contains a substance called basil camphor which is thought to have an antidepressant action.
Eat more Brussels sprouts, beetroot, broccoli and asparagus as all are rich in folate; low levels of this B vitamin are linked to depression. Breakfast cereals and yeast extract are fortified with folic acid which acts in the same way as folate.
Vitamin B6 is responsible for converting a substance called tryptophan into serotonin which raises mood. Good sources of vitamin B6 are wholemeal products, cod, turkey, beef and bananas.

Foods to help improve your skin

Diet plays a large role in the maintenance of healthy skin. Vitamin E and monounsaturated fats help to maintain skin structure and help wounds to heal, try eating more avocados to provide you with Vitamin E. Zinc, protein and iron are contained in red meat; these nutrients may help to reduce inflammation, help the skin to renew itself and promote wound healing. Oily fish contains omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which can decrease inflammation and improve the skin’s water resistance and can help in the treatment of psoriasis. Beta-carotene and vitamins A and C help the body to protect itself from sun damage, top foods to eat are citrus fruit and orange or dark green coloured vegetables.

Foods to combat PMS

Bloating is a symptom of premenstrual syndrome; foods that may be beneficial are fruit, vegetables and oats as they are all rich in soluble fiber which is easier for the digestive system to deal with than insoluble fiber. Avoid swede, cabbage and pulses as these foods can cause bloating. Cut back on salty foods as they can cause bloating associated with water retention. Sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds are rich sources of omega-6 fatty acids; it is possible that if you have PMS you may be deficient in these essential substances. Green vegetables, bread and pasta are good sources of magnesium and this is needed for normal hormone function. If you are deficient in magnesium it may contribute to muscle cramps and aches. Finally, evening primrose oil capsules taken daily have been shown to help reduce breast discomfort.

Foods to combat poor concentration and tiredness

If you are unable to concentrate and are generally feeling tired all the time you may have anemia. This is caused through poor iron intake and people who eat little or no meat (vegetarians and vegans) are particularly at risk. Another group of people who are at risk are women, including teenage girls. Women menstruate every month and this loss of blood increases women’s requirement for iron. Try eating red meat and, if you like it, liver is a really good source of iron.

Foods to improve your sleep

How well you sleep can depend on what you eat. Try having a small meal or snack no less than three hours before going to bed. Limit your intake of caffeine in an evening from tea, coffee and soft drinks. Another tip to improve your sleep is limiting your alcohol intake at night and try to drink a cup of warm milk before bed. While watching what you eat can help, don’t avoid food entirely at night. If you go to bed hungry, your body may wake you in the middle of the night. Regular physical activity will also help you sleep well; but, avoid exercising three hours before you go to bed because that, too, can keep you awake.

Foods to help improve your bones

As we get older the density of our bones lessens, increasing the risk of fractures. This is called osteoporosis. Foods that can help are dairy products such as semi-skimmed milk, low-fat yogurts and cheese. Try to have three portions per day. Oily fish such as mackerel, sardines, salmon and fresh tuna provide vitamin D which helps the body absorb calcium more efficiently. If you don’t like oily fish; eggs, butter and fortified margarine are also good sources of vitamin D.

Carbonated soft drinks, such as coca cola, are best avoided as they contain phosphoric acid that contributes to calcium losses and therefore increases the risk of osteoporosis. There are many different foods that can be therapeutic in varying conditions and life stages; calcium and vitamin D containing foods during the years when the bones are still forming, iron for those people who are tired, lethargic and possibly anaemic.

So whether you are suffering from pre-menstrual syndrome or sleepless nights, it is worth remembering that food has a part to play in helping these conditions

Chinese Translation 中文翻译



食品,以帮助提高人体的防御系统免疫系统,有助于身体免受细菌和病毒。研究证明,饮食中的维生素C,锌和β-胡萝卜素低,降低机体的作战能力敌对微生物的入侵。高维生素C的食物,柑橘类水果和浆果。丰富的锌来源的食物,包括牡蛎,肝脏,南瓜种子,红肉和沙丁鱼。 β-胡萝卜素丰富的食物包括:甘薯,胡萝卜,杏和橘子。酒精,当大量消耗,增加长期损害健康的风险。

改善视力的食物已经有一些抗氧化物质和白内障和青光眼等眼部问题的风险降低之间的链接。全谷物食品和红肉中含有B族维生素,并可能有助于维持视神经的健康,良好的视力必不可少的一部分。绿叶蔬菜和橙色的水果和蔬菜是β-胡萝卜素的良好来源,这对眼睛好,使他们能够跟适应黑暗。维生素C的食物,如柑橘类水果和浆果可能减少风险提出这是对那些容易发生白内障青光眼和人民有用的眼睛压力。,以纾缓抑郁症的食物饮食习惯的改变,证明在从轻度至中度抑郁症的人最有利的。燕麦含有皂甙,生物碱,B族维生素和黄酮类化合物,所有已知的抗抑郁行动。瓦西里含有一种叫紫苏樟脑的物质,这被认为是一种抗抑郁药行动。吃更多的抱子甘蓝,甜菜,花椰菜和芦笋都富含叶酸,这种B族维生素水平低与抑郁症。强化早餐谷物和酵母提取物的行为同样的方式在为叶酸与叶酸。维生素B6是负责转换成5 - 羟色胺的物质叫做色氨酸引发情绪。维生素B6的良好来源是全麦产品,鳕鱼,火鸡,牛肉和香蕉。食品,以帮助改善你的皮肤饮食中起着很大的作用,在维护健康的皮肤。维生素E和不饱和脂肪有助于维持皮肤结构和帮助伤口愈合,尝试吃更多的鳄梨提供维生素E,锌,蛋白质和铁的红肉中这些营养素可以帮助减轻炎症,有助于皮肤自我更新和促进伤口愈合。油鱼含有ω- 3脂肪酸EPA和DHA,可以减少炎症和改善皮肤的耐水性,可以帮助治疗牛皮癣。 β-胡萝卜素和维生素A和C有助于人体,以保护自己免受阳光伤害,顶级的食物,吃柑橘类水果和橙色或深绿色蔬菜。食品,以战斗的PMS腹胀是经前期综合征的症状。
水果,蔬菜和燕麦可能是有益的食物,是因为它们都是富含可溶性纤维是消化系统更容易处理比不溶性纤维的​​。避免,白菜和豆类,因为这些食物可以引起腹胀。削减过咸的食物,因为它们会导致腹胀与水潴留有关。葵花子,南瓜种子是ω- 6脂肪酸的丰富来源,如果你有PMS你可能会在这些基本的物质缺陷。绿色蔬菜,面包和面食都是镁的好来源,这是正常激素功能的需要。如果缺乏镁,它可能会导致肌肉痉挛和疼痛。最后,月见草油胶囊,每天服用,已被证明,以帮助减少乳房不适。打击注意力不集中和疲劳的食物如果你无法集中,一般都感觉累了所有的时间,你可有贫血。这是通过铁的摄入和差的人吃很少或根本没有肉(素食者和严格素食者),特别是在风险造成的。另一组的人处于危险之中的妇女,其中包括少女。妇女月经每个月的失血,增加铁的妇女的要求。尝试吃红肉,如果你喜欢,肝脏是一个真正的铁的良好来源。改善睡眠的食物你的睡眠如何可以取决于你吃什么。尝试睡前的小餐或点心不到三个小时。您的咖啡因摄入量限制在一个晚上从茶叶,咖啡和软饮料。另一个技巧,以改善你的睡眠是限制你的酒精摄入量,在夜间和尝试睡前喝一杯热牛奶。如果你饿着肚子上床睡觉,你可以吃但试着注意饮食不避完全在夜间不进食。你的身体可能会在半夜醒来。经常锻炼身体,也将帮助你睡不好觉,但避免行使三个小时,然后再上床​​睡觉,因为这可以保持你清醒。食品,以帮助改善你的骨骼当我们变老了我们的骨骼减轻密度,增加骨折的风险。这就是所谓的骨质疏松症。 ,可以帮助的食物,如半脱脂牛奶,低脂酸奶和奶酪等乳制品。尝试每天有三个部分。油性鱼类如鲭鱼,沙丁鱼,鲑鱼和新鲜金枪鱼提供维生素D,帮助人体吸收钙更有效。如果你不喜欢油性鱼,蛋,黄油和强化人造黄油也是维生素D的良好来源
Translated by Google Translate, Editted by me. Sorry for any translation errors. 由谷歌翻译,我稍加修正。如有错误与翻译误差敬请原谅。

PMS :经前期综合征

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Health benefits of mangosteen

Mangosteen Fruit (Garcinia Mangostana)  Health Benefits

The accumulated knowledge of centuries of ancient Asian medicine has been passed down from generation to generation and also passed on to early European explorers and settlers. Consequently it is no wonder that so much recent modern scientific research has been conducted on the Mangosteen and the beneficial properties of the pericarp (rind).
An enormous amount of modern study and research has been channelled toward unlocking the secrets of this remarkable fruit. Scientists have actually identified the major compounds found in the Mangosteen that are responsible for its healthful characteristics. 
These days, just about everybody knows about free radicals and the damage they wreak on the body and most would know, to counteract the effects of free radicals, we need a diet high in antioxidants. Free radicals attack the cells in our bodies every second of every day, whilst antioxidants work actively with the immune system to repair the damage before cellular degeneration occurs. If the balance between free radical attack and the body's ability to overcome free radical activity is weighted on the side of the free radicals... well... you are destined for early onset of metabolic disease and a premature death!
Much has been made of the extensive antioxidant properties of vitamins, especially Vitamin C and Vitamin E. But did you know the beneficial effects of synthetic vitamins are extremely questionable? Recent scientific research clearly indicates that anyone relying on synthetic vitamins to maintain their health, experience little or no benefit. Conversely, synthetic vitamins taken in larger doses in the mistaken belief that more is better, may in fact make you feel much worse and result in a deterioration of health and even premature death.
But did you know there exists many whole food antioxidants that are much more powerful than any combination of synthetic vitamins? The key to good health is not to take synthetic vitamin supplements but to supplement with proven whole food antioxidants.
One of these life-enhancing antioxidants is found in Mangosteen pericarp and is called Xanthone. 
In fact, there's a whole family of Xanthones, with some of the most dynamic found in the whole fruit Mangosteen which includes the pericarp. While most people know about the antioxidant benefits of Vitamins C and E from whole foods, far fewer are aware of the incredibly potent antioxidant power of Xanthones and many other phyto-chemicals. Xanthones are natural plant chemical substances that have recently won high praise from numerous scientists and researchers. Xanthones have been studied for their medicinal potential, since they demonstrate a number of health giving properties and are proving to be significant substances for good health.

The Research on Xanthones:
Xanthones have been the subject of quite a degree of research for several decades. They're found in a select number of rain forest plants and dark red fruits and even things like the purple kumara, (sweet potato) a staple of the Maori in New Zealand for centuries. Xanthones are found in abundance in the pericarp or rind, of the Mangosteen fruit. The smooth, purple/dark red covering that was traditionally ground with ancient mortars and used to heal infection, turns out to be very high in beneficial Xanthones and potent antioxidants.
The two most beneficial Xanthones found in the Mangosteen have been named Alpha Mangostin and Gamma Mangostin. When isolated and thoroughly tested by researchers, these two Xanthones have been found to carry a host of benefits. According to professional journals such as Free Radical Research, Journal of Pharmacology, and the Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, these Xanthones have a significant effect on cardiovascular health; are naturally antibiotic, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory; and are amongst the most powerful antioxidants found in nature.
Research laboratories around the world have now been helping us understand how the Mangosteen fruit imparts such wonderful benefits. Modern science is just catching up with what herbal doctors have already known for centuries about Mangosteen.
For more information go to www.pubmed.com and search for “Xanthones" or "Garcinia Mangostana" in the database and read the scientific research.

1.) Anti-fatigue
2.) Anti-obesity
3.) Anti-depression
4.) Anti-anxiety
5.) Anti-Alzheimer’s
6.) Anti-arthritis
7.) Anti--periodontic (gum disease)
8.) Anti-allergenic
9.) Anti-seborrheic (skin disease)
10.) Anti-pyretic (anti-fever)
11.) Anti-Parkinsonism
12.) Anti-diarrhea
13.) Anti-neuralgia (nerve pain)
14.) Anti-vertigo (dizziness)
15.) Anti-glaucoma
16.) Anti-pain (for example, dental pain)
17.) Anti-inflammatory (cox-2 inhibitor; like Vioxx & Celebrex but without side effects)
18.) Anti-ulcer (for example, ulcers of stomach, mouth, small bowel, large bowel)


1.) Anti-oxidant (can be measured)
2.) Anti-cancer (can be measured)
3.) Anti-aging (can be measured)
4.) Anti-hypertension (can be measured)
5.) Anti-hypoglycemia (can be measured)
6.) Anti-immune-system-depression (can be measured)
7.) Anti-blood fat (can be measured)
8.) Anti-atherosclerosis (blood vessel, heart disease) (can be measured)
9.) Anti-osteoporosis (can be measured)
10.) Anti-viral (can be measured)
11.) Anti-bacterial (can be measured)
12.) Anti-fungal (can be measured)
13.) Anti-kidney stones (can be measured)
14.) Anti-cataracts (can be measured)

Mangosteen Facts:

Mangosteen is a small and very slow-growing tropical evergreen tree. The height of the tree attains 20 to 82 feet. The length of its leaves is up to 10 inches. The width of its flowers is 1 ½ to 2 inches. And maybe male or hermaphrodite is on the same tree.

Mangosteen is native to South East Asia and requires a year round, warm, very humid, equatorial climate. In spite of that, many people have tried to plant Mangosteen in other places, such as California, Florida, or special greenhouses somewhere outside South East Asia. The outcome is seldom successful due to the different living conditions. The tree only can grow well in tropical areas and requires abundant moisture. Thailand or Burma are the original countries people found Mangosteen in. Recently tropical Australia has been found to be an excellent area for Mangosteen production.

Mangosteen Health Benefits 
Mangosteen is a fruit found in tropical countries throughout Asia, for example Thailand, India, Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines. It also grows reasonably well in areas such as Hawaii and tropical Northern Australia from Innisfail north to Cooktown.
The Mangosteen fruit consist of 3 major parts.
The Mangosteen Pericarp - which is the rind or peel and contains the highest level of xanthones.
The pulp -  which is the fruit and is known for being one of the tastiest fruits in the world.
The seeds -  Found within the white pulp.
Mangosteen fruit contains compounds that have antioxidant - anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Scientific research indicates activity against several cancer cell lines, including breast cancer, liver cancer and leukemia. In addition, Mangosteen also exhibits  anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory properties. Traditionally, Mangosteen has been used for many years as a medicinal treatment for diarrhea, skin infection and wounds in throughout South Asia.
The latest in scientific research shows Mangosteen contains a class of naturally occurring polyphenolic compounds known as xanthones. Xanthones may provide beneficial effects on cardiovascular diseases, including ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and thrombosis. Mangosteen also shows vasorelaxant properties.
Mangosteen has demonstrated an inhibitory action against the bacterial organisms Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Staphylococcus aureus. Mangosteen is also proving to be highly effective in supporting and strengthening a weak immune system. There are several important compounds found in the Mangosteen that would appear to make this fruit an active and important nutritional supplement for the human body. 
Mangosteen Xanthones are broken down even further into mangostin, mangostenol, mangostenone A, Mangostenone B, trapezifolixanthone, tovophyllin B, alpha- and beta-mangostins, garcinone B, mangostinone, mangostanol and the flavonoid epicatechin. A study of the antiproliferation, antioxidation and induction of apoptosis by Garcinia mangostana on SKBR3 human breast cancer cell line, showed SKBR3 cells were cultured in the presence of mangosteen extract at various concentrations. Mangosteen showed a dose dependent inhibition of cell proliferation. "We found that an antiproliferative effect of mangosteen was associated with apoptosis on breast cancer cell line by determinations of morphological changes and oligonucleosomal DNA fragments."
Mangosteen also was found to inhibit ROS production. These investigations suggest that Mangosteen has strong anti-proliferation, potent anti-oxidation and induction of apoptosis properties. Mangosteen has potential for cancer chemoprevention, which is dose dependent as well as exposure time dependent. The ethanol extract of Mangosteen showed potent inhibitory activity against HIV-1 protease. The activity-guided purification of the extract resulted in the isolation of two active known compounds. The chemical structures of the isolated compounds were established by spectroscopic analysis as mangostin and gamma-mangostin.
Potential Benefits of Mangosteen  
Free radical fighter
Cardio support
Immune system Enhancer
Powerful antioxidant
Skin rashes, infections and wounds